This last year is such a blur to me. It seems like yesterday we were bringing Ruby home from the hospital and adjusting to life with a new born again. How is it possible that she is now one year old? She is just the most precious baby girl. (Yes, I will still refer to her as my baby, probably forever since she is most likely our last). She makes the funniest faces ever, she loves to scrunch her nose up, give a big pouty face with her lips, and it always gets a reaction out of us which she loves. She is quite the little dancer, if she hears music she will stand up and shake it. Ruby has started walking a little, she still crawls but will walk several feet before falling and Lily and Cooper think this is soooo cool. I will tell her to say Mama and she will repeat me and say "mamamama". It just melts my heart. She is by far my most independent child, she will just venture off by herself and I won't be able to find her. Ruby gets into everything, so I can also say she is my biggest messer. She keeps me on my toes and I love every minute of it. She is a gift from God and we thank Him daily for her. Happy Birthday Ruby we love you so very much!! I thought it would be fun to post pics of some of Ruby's "firsts". :)

First pic of our family of 5

Ruby's first Easter, look how little she was, awwww
Here she is at her first Fourth of July fireworks celebration, the rolls are starting to set in. :)
Ruby loved floating around the pool, she would just splash and splash
She was Wonder Woman for her first Halloween
Playing outside and loving every minute of it
Ruby spent her first Thanksgiving at Mema's house and was such a trooper, she didn't get a nap and you wouldn't have been able to tell.
Hanging up her first Christmas ornament
I've been watching for your post..she reminds me of Cooper...she is a beatiful little girl
The time sure flys. She looks so much like, cute as a bug.
I can't believe she is already one!! I love all the pictures and seeing how much she has grown and changed in just one year...the last one made me giggle!
What sweet pictures! Harper just saw them and said, "Yooby....Yooby...Yooby"
Loven alll the sweet pics!! She is a doll, hope she feels better for her birthday party :)
That last photo is so cute, I tried to reach through the computer screen to hug her. Happy first birthday, Ruby.
Wow, I can't believe she is already one! I love the picture of her in her Wonder Woman costume. She is so cute!
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