I cannot believe that Christmas is in three days. It has literally flown by this year, I hope I can make the next few days last and really enjoy this Christmas season. The past week was crazy. We had parent night at Lily's dance studio, three birthday parties, Ram Rally, Lily's school Christmas party, and my family came down to celebrate Christmas with my mom's side of the family. WHEW...I am tired even writing that down. :) I just finished making sugar cookies with my two oldest. I love making these cookies, and sharing this love with my kiddos is so much fun. We are going to decorate them during Ruby's afternoon nap. Don't worry she won't even know about it. :) Tonight we are going to have a Christmas celebration with our little family. We travel so much every year that we like to have one special night with just us and give the kiddos their gifts from me and Josh. We really like to focus this night on the best Christmas gift ever, Jesus Christ. Josh always reads Jesus' birth to the kids, then we give them three gifts to symbolize the three gifts the wise men brought. I bought a book that comes with seven little gifts from
Mardels that is called
What God wants for Christmas, we have been reading and opening one gift for the last six days, the little statues inside have made up the nativity scene. Tonight the kids get to find out what God wants for Christmas and they are so excited. The last box has a mirror inside so when you look in it you see yourself. This will be my last post until the new year, so we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God bless each and everyone of you this holiday season.

Getting ready to head to Bass Pro to see Santa, can you see the excitement on Coop's face?

My precious babies with Santa. Coop was waving to him while he was in line, Ruby could care less, and this was Lily's first time to ever sit on Santa's lap willingly. We had a great time.

We walked around and looked at all the Christmas decorations. Ruby was fascinated with this elf and his beard.

You can't go to Bass Pro without trying out a gun.

We were invited to a parent night at Lily's dance studio where we got to see part of their dances. They are precious and Lily did a great job. I thought she would be nervous with a big audience but she did fabulous. Here is Lily and Alora waiting for their dance to start. They were so cute.

You have to stretch before you can dance. :)

Lily's class made these antlers at their Christmas party. She loved wearing it around with her Rudolph nose, again I was very surprised.

We had a great time with our family this weekend. Here is Uncle Bert and his little mini me, sweet Heidi.

Ruby loves to climb on anyone who is on the floor :)

The kids great-grandparents got them these really cool wands that use static electricity to move around the little foil pieces. I think the adults enjoyed them more than the kids, they are really cool.

Lily loves to sit on Pa's lap

And finally here is little Ruby hanging up her first Christmas ornament...

She didn't want to let go. :)
Busy Busy Busy! The 7-days-before-Christmas-gifts sounds really cool! What a great family tradition!
Great post, love all the pictures. I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!
That books sounds great! I'll have to find that for next year! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
LOve all the pics. We'll be in WW the Sun. after Christmas and be there the whole next week. Hope I can see you and the kiddos sometime. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Sounds like Lily is growing up! Beautiful kids!
sweet post, annie!
merry christmas to you all!
Wow your week sounds like mine busy but worth it. Rest next week right? Merry Christmas see you next year!
The only thing missing is a picture of the girl and her houseshoes at Bass Pro. I wonder why that is missing?
Okay, when I think of how shy Lily was when she was four and now, I get a little teary. She is growing up so fast and I'm so proud of her. Love her pre-dance stretch photo.
I think your family is awesome and what a blessing to be able to enjoy spending time with the whole family.
You sound like me leading up to the very day we had Caleb, BUSY! I needed to have him just to slow things down!
I LOVE Cooper's face waiting to go see Santa...made me laugh.
Love you guys, have a very Merry Christmas!
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