This was the first time she pulled up, I was at Wal Mart, so Josh took a picture for me.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Ruby is 8 Months Old!
My baby girl turned eight months on Sunday. WOW! She is such a big girl and this time is going by too quickly. She accomplished a lot in her seventh month. She crawls everywhere and has now found the door stoppers and loves to flip them back and forth and make noise. She has also learned to pull up, which just amazes me because Lily and Coop didn't even try to do this until ten months. She loves to pull up on everything. I can't keep her sitting during her bath, and its way to slippery for her to stand during bath time. :) I heard her belly laughing like crazy today, when I found her she was holding onto the kitchen table bench standing up and laughing at silly Coop. She also cut her first tooth on her eight month birthday. Several months ago we thought she cut a tooth (Josh and I swear we felt it) but it must have been one of those "phantom" teeth. I just can't believe how big she is getting. She loves to follow Lily and Coop around the house and "mess" up whatever they are playing with. Ruby has become the easiest little baby. I never thought I would say those words about my little Ruby. She is so content at this age, she just loves to be on the go. I hope these next four months go by really slowly, I can't imagine my baby as a big one year old. :)

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Gosh, she's getting so big so fast!!! Happy 8 months!!
Can't believe it. I love that she laughs out loud at her brother and sister. Baby laughter is my very favorite sound in the whole world.
I agree with Pam baby laughter is the best sound. She'll be walking before you know it.
She seriously gets cuter and cuter...and still as chunky as ever!
Aahhh, I can't believe they're getting so big. She is so sweet. I can't believe she pulled up while you were at WM! Little stink!
She is growing fast! I think she looks like Josh in that last picture.
Already I can't beleive how time flys she is a cutie
She's a cutie!
She is doing so much already it's crazy! Love little Ruby:)
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