Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Best invention ever & a bunch of random pics!

As I have mentioned before on here little Ruby was sleeping eight to nine hours until she learned to flip to her back, which has been very stressful because she LOVES to do this during the night. Josh got on the internet and did a little research and found Guardian Sleeper, it is actually made to keep babies off their bellies, but we're using it to keep our baby on her belly. :) We got it in the mail last Saturday and since then she has slept about nine hours EVERY night!!! Woo-hoo!!!!! I know some of you who read this are thinking I am a horrible mother, but she sleeps really great on her belly and HATES her back. She's super strong and can lift her body off the ground- please no haters! I have posted a pic below of Ruby sleeping peacefully in her Guardian Sleeper and if you would like to know more go to www.mommys-little-helpers.com it is truly a great blanket, it helps them feel secure and snug and is supposed to add hours to their night, it did for our little one. I have also posted the most random pics below just to show off our cute little crew!!! :0)

I love my Guardian Sleeper

Ruby is getting so big, here she is sitting in a Bumbo chair, she loves to be up right

We have also discovered that she is now big enough for the Johnny Jumper which is FANTASTIC!!! She really loves to hop around in it and it helps with our fussy evenings.

Coop went to pick out his pajamas the other night and came back with a top and bottom that didn't match and ones that were two sizes to small. We have since given these to Ryder. :)

Sweet Lily sure loves to bowl. We took her for a special night when Coop got to stay the week with Mimi and Pa.
A few weeks ago we went to visit Josh's Mema, she got to meet Ruby for the first time and the older two LOVE going to see Mema and all her cows!
This is how I found Lily and Cooper the other day-waiting for Daddy to get home from work. How cute is that, unfortunately he was about 30 minutes from home so they got tired of waiting. Our kiddos are pretty crazy about their dad, and so am I!!!! :)


Pambo said...

In a couple of years they will be saying back sleeping is dangerous for babies. Pleh. Babies sleep how they want and as long as Ruby is happy, who cares if she's on her back or belly? Love, love, love Bumbo seats. Ruby looks especially cute in hers. I think your kids are so cute and I love how they are waiting on their dad to come home. Super sweet. Now, if we could just make Lily stop growing up so fast....I'm going to keep her in my class until she's 20!

Melissa said...

I am going to agree with Pam, they change their minds on what is better for babies all the time. I say whatever works better for baby Ruby. Kacy was a belly sleeper and still is. I love the smile with Lily's tooth missing.

Hilary said...

Great invention! Glad it's helping. I was thinking it might be time to get out the bumbo seat, but I didn't think about him being big enough for the johnny jumper yet. We'll have to give it a try. Loved all the cute pics. Love the one of Lily and Coop waiting on their Daddy! How sweet.

The Garvie Family said...

Kamryn likes to wear PJs that are too small also. She always claims they still fit even though half her tummy is sticking out. I love the last picture of the kids waiting on Josh!

Kristal {Love, Grace & Hope} said...

Your family is so precious!! And I'm definitely going to need to get one of those blankets!

Samantha said...

love the johnny jumper. that was my favorite thing to put the kids into. they loved it! and the pic of them waiting for daddy...too precious!

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

I agree with Pam--In about 20 yrs. the APA will reverse their decision that back is best. We and the rest of our generation slept on our bellies when we were babies, I'm sure.

THere's just something that melts your heart about seeing a sweet little chub-a-lub in a bumbo seat. Nothing cuter!

Unknown said...

My babies slep on their stomach--and they are still alive....!

Mandy said...

I wish I would have had one of those contraptions when Max was little, it would have cured a lot of sleepless nights!

laura said...

I'm glad you found that guardian sleeper... I'm sure you will be getting plenty of sleep now. I love Coops PJ's... Elijah will do that too and then realize that they aren't his size:)(eric calls them his belly shirts when they are too small)

twingrlsplus1 said...

So glad little Ruby is sleeping better w/her new contraption. If mamma's happy, everyone is happy:) Lilly looks like she enjoyed herself.

Mom's Club said...

looooooooooooooooooove that pic of the two waiting for daddy!!! sometimes i feel like doing that, sitting by the door waiting for daddy to get home so i can kiss him and hand over the kids!!