Well I decided to post our snow pictures along with everyone else. It started snowing Saturday afternoon and my kids were beside themselves with excitement. We had to talk them into waiting until there was actual snow on the ground, Coop wanted to go out as soon as he saw the first flurry! :) I will admit and say I'm not a fun mom when it comes to playing in the snow, I actually dread having to dress them up then dry them off. Honestly I think it is because we don't have any good snow gear and its hard to find things for them to wear. Lily did have snow boots from last year that still fit, Coop had of course out grown his so he is sportin a pair of Lily's black boots. They worked great, and he thought it was funny to wear "girly" boots. Josh is always ready to let the kids go out and "be kids", and he just happens to go out and play all day with them. He's a big kid at heart. Enjoy my little snow bunnies! All bundled up and ready to play!
As soon as Coop got outside he started throwing snowballs at his daddy, I got him in mid throw!
Of course they had to make a snowman, notice that Josh is behind the snowman using his own hands for the snowman's hands, they didn't have anything to use for his arms. :)
The kids went out again today, the snow is pretty slushy as it is melting off quickly, but they were able to make a snowbunny family. Note to Mom: The kids wanted to make a snowbunny like Mimi's, Josh wants to challenge you with his master piece. I told him that he was crazy, I have seen your bunnies and they are super cool. Josh is pretty confident in his sculptures. :)
Lily and Coop wanted to make a "Ruby" snowbunny, how sweet!
Lily thinks hot chocolate always follows a hard day playing in the snow...YUM!
Lily is preparing to make the perfect snow angel
Of course they had to make a snowman, notice that Josh is behind the snowman using his own hands for the snowman's hands, they didn't have anything to use for his arms. :)
The kids went out again today, the snow is pretty slushy as it is melting off quickly, but they were able to make a snowbunny family. Note to Mom: The kids wanted to make a snowbunny like Mimi's, Josh wants to challenge you with his master piece. I told him that he was crazy, I have seen your bunnies and they are super cool. Josh is pretty confident in his sculptures. :)
Lily and Coop wanted to make a "Ruby" snowbunny, how sweet!
Lily thinks hot chocolate always follows a hard day playing in the snow...YUM!
Love the snowbunnies and your adorable little snow angels. I'm with Lily - hot chocolate - Yum!
Love that last photo of Ruby. Why are babies so beautiful when they are sleeping? I guess because they sleep so soundly and are so relaxed. Boy, can you tell Ruby is Lily's little sister. She looks so much like her big sis!
Fun pictures. Love the snowbunny family, especially the "Ruby" bunny they made! How sweet is that. She is too cute and growing so much!
Looks like your kids, big and small, had a great time in the snow!! My big kid, Robert, spent the day in the snow also.
you ARE a fun mom...it IS a pain to dress and then dry off! plus you have to find things for the mommy to wear...we don't have the right stuff either and we get snow all the time here! but the pics are super cute and the bunnies are fun! poor ruby couldn't enjoy this year, she'll be out next year!!! miss ya!
Cute kids & Cute snowbunnies... Ruby is getting so big!
I must say your bunnies look pretty good, kudoes to Josh! And you have an entire family, impressive!
Cute snow bunny creations....we love some hot cocoa after playin in the snow too!! The kids looked like they had a blast, even little Ruby was all smiles:)
Those bunnies are HILARIOUS! and Ruby has all ready changed so much I can hardly believe it! Miss you guys.
what sweet weetle snowbunnies:) We took Harper out for a few minutes...it took us longer to get her dressed up for it than how long she was actually out there. She was indifferent to the snow anyway:) Ruby's your excuse to stay inside!
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