Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Guess who's coming to our house tonight?

The Tooth Fairy!!!!! Lily lost her first tooth tonight, and she is PUMPED! It has been very loose for the last few days and finally tonight I told her I had to get it out, it would just flap back and forth while she talked. If you know Lily you can guess she wasn't thrilled with the idea of me pulling her tooth, but we talked her into it and she said it only hurt a little. I actually pulled it myself which surprised me I always thought I wouldn't be able to pull my kiddos teeth, but this one was literally just barely hanging on so it wasn't much of a challenge. ;0) The poor thing is also fighting off a TERRIBLE cough, she has coughed more today that she has not coughed (make sense?) She spiked a fever earlier but it has gone away, I hope it stays away! If you get the chance to see Lily in the next few days I am sure she will love to show off her new hole in her mouth! :)

Losing teeth always makes a kid look older, sniff-sniff
Proudly showing off her tooth!
Coop had to have his pic taken, he's ready for mama to "yank" his tooth out too!
This is the look I get from Ruby when I put the camera in front of her face, a deer in the headlights! On a happy and exciting note she had her last bottle at 9:30 last night and didn't get up until 6:40 this morning- that's nine hours people!!!! YEA!!!!!! Ruby goes to the doctor for her two month check up tomorrow, I can't wait to see how much she weighs now, she is turning into quite the little chunker. Poor little thing is going to have to have shots-BOO!
I had to share a pic of my little "hunter", he threw Josh's hat on and went around this house with his gun pretending to hunt. I guess he remembers its cold out when daddy hunts so he thinks sock hats are strictly for hunting!


Pambo said...

Woohoo! I'm glad Lily lost her first tooth. She is definitely growing up too fast - make her stop.
Kudos to you for pulling her tooth. Never could do it. Luckily, both of my kids took care of pulling their own teeth.
Loose teeth freak me out.

Paula said...

I don't know if you ever look at Denise's blog or not, but Jaden lost her 1st tooth on Sunday! And how is it that we got like a dollar when we were little and Jaden has made $33 and a toy out of this deal???

Anonymous said...

I hope the Tooth Fairy leaves Lily a big chunk of change for that tooth!

laura said...

Yay for Lily! Hopefully she won't be like Josh and just pull them out just so that the tooth fairy can come. lol

Denise said...

Like Paula said Jaden lost her first tooth Sunday. She was not very excited at the thought of one of us pulling her tooth. As for the $33 and toy Jaden made from that tooth, she had to be convinced to let us pull that tooth!

Mandy said...

It really does make her look older!

Becky said...

Cute pictures! I hope the tooth fairy was suitably generous to my Lily!

sandybiggs said...

Yea Lily! They do always look so much older w/o their teeth...I don't like it!
Jake has one hanging on like that blowing around, but I just can't pull it! Could you come over? ha.

Hilary said...

They are growing up! Hollace lost her second tooth his week. Ruby looks SO much like Lily-SO cute, but do you have to BRAG?- 9 hours really? Thad is up about every 3-4 hours. I keep meaning to call you and the day just gets away! Amazing how the days go so fast and I'm really not getting anything done!

Pambo said...

Hey, Annie. I just nominated you for a creative blogger award. Check out my blog for more info.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...The baby sure is growing.>I can't believe I'm going to miss out on watching her in the nursery..Sniff sniff
