Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I'm Back!!!!
It has been five months since I have last posted, I have been LAZY! I'm sure there is no one who even checks my pathetic little blog anymore, but I do hope to print it into a book someday so I am going back in time to post some highlights of the Harrel household. This past spring was Cooper's first time to play t-ball. This boy lives and breaths sports, but t-ball is his very favorite. He begs to play catch all day, everyday. Josh coached Coop's little team, if that's what we can call it. I am pretty sure they drove Josh crazy more than once, they were 4 and 5 year olds, but the kids had a blast and that's all that matters. Coop loved having an audience there to cheer him on. He is growing up so fast and we are loving all the new experiences he gets to do.

Coach Harrel and Cooper
Ready for the first game of the season- Go Cubs!
Ruby was so funny, she saw that Lily and Coop had on baseball hats so she ran to get one out of Coop's room. She was so sick this night, poor baby girl. Sweet Stephanie Morris came over so I wouldn't have to miss Cooper's first game.
Cooper and Mimi, just one of his many admiring fans.
Ready to catch the ball at pitcher, he would cry if he never got a chance to touch the ball during the game.
Getting some hitting instruction from Coach Harrel
Look at that form :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Weekend
No you are not seeing things I am actually posting on my blog. :) I have been a terrible blogger and I have so many things I want to put on here, so I will be playing catch up this week. (Don't hold me to that :) We had a wonderful Easter weekend with our family. Like always it went by way to fast, but we enjoyed every minute. Saturday we got to watch Emily, Max, and Sam play soccer and just about got blown away. Later that day all the kids colored Easter eggs together, in case you are wondering that is eleven dozen eggs. Yep Mom thought Ruby, Brock, and Heidi needed a dozen to color too. Sunday was a beautiful day, we went to church with my parents and enjoyed a wonderful service. Sally sang and did a beautiful job, I am so glad I got to hear her. After church we went to Hammon to have Easter dinner with Josh's family. The kids played outside the entire time we were there it was just too pretty to be inside. We had a great weekend and can't wait to see our families again.

Coop is ready to color his Easter eggs
Sweet Lily posing with her eggs
No you are not seeing things, that is my fourteen month old drawing on her egg. Is she talented or what? :)
Easter morning the kids woke up to goodies in their baskets and they had to find eggs that were hidden around the house.
Lily had to search high and low to find hers
Ready to go to church
Family photo
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Happy First Birthday Sweet Ruby!
One year ago today at 7:17 am our precious Ruby Ann joined our family. She shares her birthday with a very special lady, my grandma Lillian Whiteley or as everyone called her Ma. I wish my grandma could have lived long enough to have met her grand kids, but I know she is in the Lord's presence and wouldn't come back if she could. I can't wait to see her again, what a wonderful reunion that will be.
This last year is such a blur to me. It seems like yesterday we were bringing Ruby home from the hospital and adjusting to life with a new born again. How is it possible that she is now one year old? She is just the most precious baby girl. (Yes, I will still refer to her as my baby, probably forever since she is most likely our last). She makes the funniest faces ever, she loves to scrunch her nose up, give a big pouty face with her lips, and it always gets a reaction out of us which she loves. She is quite the little dancer, if she hears music she will stand up and shake it. Ruby has started walking a little, she still crawls but will walk several feet before falling and Lily and Cooper think this is soooo cool. I will tell her to say Mama and she will repeat me and say "mamamama". It just melts my heart. She is by far my most independent child, she will just venture off by herself and I won't be able to find her. Ruby gets into everything, so I can also say she is my biggest messer. She keeps me on my toes and I love every minute of it. She is a gift from God and we thank Him daily for her. Happy Birthday Ruby we love you so very much!! I thought it would be fun to post pics of some of Ruby's "firsts". :)

This last year is such a blur to me. It seems like yesterday we were bringing Ruby home from the hospital and adjusting to life with a new born again. How is it possible that she is now one year old? She is just the most precious baby girl. (Yes, I will still refer to her as my baby, probably forever since she is most likely our last). She makes the funniest faces ever, she loves to scrunch her nose up, give a big pouty face with her lips, and it always gets a reaction out of us which she loves. She is quite the little dancer, if she hears music she will stand up and shake it. Ruby has started walking a little, she still crawls but will walk several feet before falling and Lily and Cooper think this is soooo cool. I will tell her to say Mama and she will repeat me and say "mamamama". It just melts my heart. She is by far my most independent child, she will just venture off by herself and I won't be able to find her. Ruby gets into everything, so I can also say she is my biggest messer. She keeps me on my toes and I love every minute of it. She is a gift from God and we thank Him daily for her. Happy Birthday Ruby we love you so very much!! I thought it would be fun to post pics of some of Ruby's "firsts". :)

First pic of our family of 5

Ruby's first Easter, look how little she was, awwww
Here she is at her first Fourth of July fireworks celebration, the rolls are starting to set in. :)
Ruby loved floating around the pool, she would just splash and splash
She was Wonder Woman for her first Halloween
Playing outside and loving every minute of it
Ruby spent her first Thanksgiving at Mema's house and was such a trooper, she didn't get a nap and you wouldn't have been able to tell.
Hanging up her first Christmas ornament
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
It's Never too Late for a Christmas Post...right?
I can't believe I let it get to January 9, 2010 before I posted our Christmas pics. I hope this isn't a sign of what is to come this year. :) We had four wonderful Christmas celebrations. We did have to cancel one Christmas at Josh's grandma's due to the yucky weather. That was a big bummer, especially when you only get to see them a couple of times a year. Our first Christmas was with our little family, we had a great time and I just love this special time we put aside for each other. Christmas day was spent at my parents house. We always have a great time when we all get together. There were three new members to our family this year. We used to tease Mandy that if she would get on the ball and have a 2009 baby then we all would have had babies the same year. She didn't think we were serious or funny. Mandy and Chad brought over the new Super Mario game to the Wii. By far the biggest hit of the day, the poor kiddos just tried playing with their new game but the adults wouldn't give them the chance. You know who you are. :) Josh loved this game so much that we now own it for our house. It really is super fun and addicting. The day after Christmas we went to Leedey, OK to spent time with Josh's dad and his family. Again, we had too much fun and our kids got way too much stuff. Sunday morning we headed to Yukon to spend time with my Dad's side of the family. My grandparents were able to rent their church gym and we had a blast. The kiddos loved running around, playing basketball, and just being extremely loud. That night we went to Edmond to see Josh's mom, we didn't get to see her on Christmas Eve like we were supposed to, so we wanted to make a special time for the kids to see her and her husband Tim. We finally got home the Monday after Christmas, exhausted, very full, and very blessed. I hope you all had wonderful celebrations with your loved ones. :)

Josh is reading the story of Jesus' birth to the kids, even little Ruby listened :)
We love presents!
It didn't take Ruby long to figure out how to rip open presents
Santa came to Mimi and Pa's house. I always tell the kids that he knows where they are, this sometimes worries Lily. Ignore Ruby's sad little pile, she is only eleven months and she has a birthday in eleven days. ;)
Ripping into their gifts, I wish Ruby was facing the other way- oh well
Lily got the doll house she "always" wanted
Ruby got her first purse, it's so cute
Coop got a cool batman cave, he loves it
Coop also got a bowling set, here he is displaying his mad skills :)
Ella and Lily got some press-on nails, these girly girls LOVED these nails
Lily and Ella played all day long with their new doll house and castle. They told me they were next door neighbors. ;)
Best family pic I could get, Coop couldn't even pry his hands or his eyes off of the Wii game. He was probably afraid one of his aunts would take it away if he put it down. :)
Sweet Ruby and sweet Mimi, ready to open some gifts
Our 2009 additions, aren't they cute?
We had lots of little helpers pass out the gifts this year
Ruby was just as happy sitting on her gifts as she was opening them, she was so fun this year and it was her first Christmas. Almost one year and she had her first Christmas.
Aunt Krystal with the girls. We love Aunt Krystal!!!
The Harrel babies, they had a lot of fun playing together.
Opening presents at the Harrel Christmas, I swear these kids get way too much stuff
Sisters with our daddy and our Pa, we love these two men so very much!!!
*My baby with be one in eleven days, EEEEKKKK, where did the time go!!!?
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